(01) Latest stable OpenBSD 7.6 installation completed.
(02) Latest stable Ngircd (v27+ident), ZNC (v1.9.1), HOPM, Oidentd/Inetd,
(03) Latest stable OpenSSHd, OpenHTTPd, PHP-FPM, NSD, Unbound, PF/Firewall, Quota Accounting, RELAYd, Stunnel,
(04) Latest stable OpenSMTPd and Add-Ons, Dovecot, RSPAMd, SpamAssassin,
(05) Latest stable NodeJS, Yarn, Perl5, Python3.11.x, Python2.7.x, Lua5.4.x, Ruby, TCL, TCL-LIB, TCL-TLS, TDOM, TK,
(06) Latest stable XMPP Prosody, STURN/TURN TurnServer, Bitlbee 3.6.x,
(07) Latest (various) Compilers and Editors, VIM-9.1.x, NANO 8.1.x,
(08) Latest stable GnuPG, Midnight Commander, Lynx, Mosh, Mutt, IRSSI, WeeChat,
(09) Improve Security and Enhancement for Badhost (IP, Domain) monitoring and blocking, PHP-FPM, PF/Firewall, RELAYd
(10) Improve Security and Enhancement for SSH Access and Logins
(11) Adjustment and increase in 'key' partitions (Ex: /home, /var, /usr) under 'customized' partitioning.
(12) Adjustment in Access, Permissions and Rights for Users, Groups, Folders/Files,