Why is the internet so boring
The websites I used to visit regularly have been becoming boring... Internet forums with more and more stupid discussions about topics like jobs or politics... Nothing new to read
I don't really use social media or watch youtube, and I am never going to... I think it's better to open a book than a web browser, sigh  Confused Wink
1. Admins and moderators rarely do any traffic on their platforms...

They don't interact with normal users. Standard behaviour is to watch the sheep registering and posting.
Because the greed for money is the main concern of website owners, they decide to put 50000 advertisements on the main page. The sheep become cash-generating letters.
Of course normal users love to watch advertisements!
If you know any nice places, where owners interact with users and write a lot of posts daily, that's great!
Another trend that I've noticed is popular, is moderators warning and banning users for stupid stuff, like saying a swear word.
Telling someone to f**k off is considered rude and harmful. It often results in getting a 7 days ban. Repat this 3 times more, you get permanently banned. Often those places are also filled with bastards, who will provoke you to say the swear word and get banned!

So with that less and less people are allowed to say what they think. Less moderated stuff, non-censorship and more freedom results in more fun! It's so hard to find a place on internet where people are allowed to insult each other... everyone has to be nice and kind, which is fine but...
that creates another problem which is...

2. Boring topics and converstations about dull subjects like politics or money.

I've noticed that one of the most favourite subjects to speak between people these days are politics, social media or 'What have I bought recently for a few thousand bucks'. Telling everyone about the expensive holiday coming soon is great! Using instagram to show off, sell every inch of my body and my private life to everyone, who visits my profile, cool!

In the past when internet wasn't that easily accessible and most of people online used personal computers with Windows, things used to be much nicer. No social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram existed. Google search engine wasn't popular. There was no youtube too.
Have you noticed how the conversation between people look like on a lot of places these days?

Oh let's share some youtube videos! So now suddenly, instead of writing a text to someone as a form of the communication, you're being bombarded with youtube videos.
Hey let's watch this! I send you this video, so I expect you to watch it!

Let's listen to some tunes! Wow this tune is so good! Your musical taste is amazing! Listen to this!
So me as a viewer who uses a web browser with blocked java-scripts, all I see is bunch of people posting big black squares in their posts with: *To watch this, please enable javascript*

That's real interesting, right?
No, it's boring!? So where else am I supposed to read some interesting conversations between people? That isn't about posting youtube videos?

3. So for someone like me, who doesn't use social media, there are hardly any websites left to kxll boredom

I've been observing the websites I visited regularly for the past few months and I noticed one thing. I don't know if that's something called alghorithm that does this or people, but whenever there's something fun or that brings enjoyment it's quickly removed and deleted. Boring topics and being dull stays on top though. Depressing, right?
Another story is how internet can be accessed by literally everyone. Get a cheap chinese (crap)phone, buy a simcard and here you go.
Everyone can use internet these days... So the matter is  not just that it's boring, but it's also filled with a lot of useless information. My head goes crazy when I go on mainstream websites, sigh!

If I think of something new to put here, I will update that post

Cheers for reading

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All the best \(^^)/

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