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Using virtual machine and installing joborun - Printable Version

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Using virtual machine and installing joborun - KochamElcie - 02-17-2024


So I gave myself a task to install Joborun on qemu virtual machine.
For that I am going to need a gnu/linux .iso with arch-chroot scripts.

For that I am going to use Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre .iso on my usb stick.

So first thing obviously is to put .iso into usb stick
for that we gotta get into dir with the hyperbola.iso
ls is for list directory
cd is for change directory
dd is for putting the .iso image into usb-stick
fdisk -l is for list of currently mounted storage devices.

/dev/sda are partitions of my laptop
/dev/sdb is the usb stick
so after localizing hyperbola .iso...
dd if=hyperbola-milky-way-v0.4.4-dual.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress oflag=sync

[if=nameofthe.iso of=/nameof/partition]

[Image: qemu1.png]

As far as I know, to boot hyperbola .iso I need to have it on my laptop with the qemu .img files, and also on the cd/rom, usb-stick, whatever.

Next we gotta create qemu image and run the installation
*the last command is wrong*

qemu-img create -f raw img1 6G
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 2G -cdrom hyperbola.iso -boot order=d -drive file=img1,format=raw
so -m 2G means that 2G of ram memory will be allocated for the image
-cdrom hyperbola.iso is name of ISO
Don't forget to put -m xG into the command!


And voila!



Next thing that has to be done is to get joborun tarball from their website.
This can be done by using web browsers like lynx and downloading the tarball from their website

or simply:
if wget is not installed then simply install it with:
pacman -S wget

Because I am on QEMU right now and don't know how to copy paste there, I will localize the download link using lynx web browser


So I managed to download joborun tarball to /tmp then did change directory to /usr/local/bin there's a script called joborun-setup
I managed to run this script with
and voila!


Now let's begin the installation!
*I am going out soon, so will be offline. I will update the guide when I am back, cheers

*To be updated*

*Useful links*
[url=""]Arch Linux QEMU Wiki[/url]
[url=""]How to install Joborun (Official joborun wiki)[/url]

RE: Using virtual machine and installing joborun - KochamElcie - 02-21-2024

Append console=ttyS0,115200

[Image: Screenshot-2024-02-21-19-31-42.png]

RE: Using virtual machine and installing joborun - KochamElcie - 02-22-2024

I am now stuck with installing joborun on the VPS
Arch Linux won't detect android (crap)phone to get usb tethering internet connection, there's now wireless interface too
Other arch linux based distros won't even boot

Gotta try devuan .iso and download arch-linux scripts seperately.

RE: Using virtual machine and installing joborun - KochamElcie - 02-22-2024

I am going to try install joborun using devuan
Maybe I will be able to install arch-install-scripts on devuan?

RE: Using virtual machine and installing joborun - KochamElcie - 02-23-2024

Trying Alpine Linux now

I need go boot into .iso, install arch-install-scripts and then joborun, that should do the trick