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BSDForAll Team Joining and Prerequisites


If you .......

* have an 'overwhelming' interest,
* willing to participate actively in the community,
* willing to be committed regularly with your time,
* willing to seriously play a 'role' you have chosen,
* desire to volunteer in a 'challenging' eco-systems,
* decided to join BSDForAll as Team Member,
....... feel free to read and peruse the document herein.

Maybe, you could be a 'potential candidate' as BSDForAll Team Member.
....... subject to certain Terms and Conditions.

Otherwise, the information here may not be relevant to you.

SUBJECT: BSDForAll Team Joining, Training and Prerequisites
This document presents 'key' highlights of the subject document.

[FAQ#1] What is IRCNow @
	    IRCNow is a federated IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Service Provider plus various Services;
	    which is being managed, operated and supported by a number of servers and Team Member(s);
	    which consists of users/volunteers with various backgrounds from all over the globe.

[FAQ#2] What is BSDForAll @
	    BSDForAll (previously known as 'Lemon'); a direct affiliate of IRCNow;
	    is a federated IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Service Provider plus various Services;
	    which is being managed, operated and supported by BSDForAll servers and Team Member(s);
	    which consists of users/volunteers with various backgrounds from all over the globe.

[FAQ#3] Highlights and Guidelines for New Team Member(s)
	    Currently, in conjunction with IRCNow, BSDForAll offers a four (4) weeks
	    "free-training" opportunities; focusing on the open-source
	    OpenBSD Operating Systems - for fans/followers, as well as an opportunity
	    to potentially become an 'OpenBSD trained Systems Administrator'.

	    Kindly note that while BSDForAll focuses on OpenBSD Operating Systems,
	    BSDForAll is NOT IN ANY WAY an associate/affiliate/entity
	    to OpenBSD (

	    You are advised to browse and peruse relevant information that is abudantly available
	    at various IRCNow and BSDForAll URL resources.

[FAQ#4] Why is BSDForAll 'Team Joining Prerequisites' sounds a bit 'stringent' than the others?
	    DO NOT ASSUME similar process is applicable to other Team(s).
	    CHECK with the respective Team(s) as appropriate on their part.
	    If you have any question(s)/issue(s),
	    A 'due care' is highly recommended in your understanding and perusal
	    on the objective of this document.

	    In principal, safe to say the prerequisites has been 'inherited' from existing
	    IRCNow Team Joining process flow.

	    However, BSDForAll 'watches for stricter compliance' by 'close monitoring' of
	    the prerequisites and the process flow, such as;

		* validate the completion of the training phases, modules and milestones.
		* validate if the 'candidate' understands what he/she is doing.
	    BSDForAll provides various Services (Ex: 'Shell', 'VPS' accounts) to the public.
	    To ensure sustainable operations, BSDForAll needs a Team member, who:

		* can co-exist with the 'roles' that he/she has 'interest' in and become one.

		* can co-exist with existing BSDForAll Team Member(s) in 'harmonious' manner.

		* can co-exist with various challenging environment that may require prompt
		  attention in 'technical' and 'tactical' responses.
		  For example, things like 'Shell or VPS' accounts may invite interest
		  from the public to test+install+deploy various packages
		  that may require 'extra-ordinary or extreme' support more than any other
		  Team Member(s) servers (which don't provide 'Shell' Services).

	    Hence, a 'sound candidate with acceptable attitude' is definitely helpful
	    in such areas of concern, if any. As a wise man says;

		* "Nos Iuvat Adiuvare, Et Adiuvari" (Latin)
		* "We Like To Help, and Be Helped"  (English)

(A) General References
You may connect with the following URL which provides abundant resources of information.

	* IRCNow Official Website     -
	* BSDForAll Official Website   -
	* BSDForAll Tor v3 Onion       - http://bsdnetoezbtsbrzlnrgxn7iv6qokouuyr4dkd7f2xt6fmmacvi2kjjad.onion
	* Main source of informations -
	* OpenBSD Training            -
	* OpenBSD Team                -

	* IRC Hostname (IRCNow)       - ircs://
	* IRC Hostname (BSDForAll)    - ircs://

(B) Training Phase + Syllabus
The training is divided into two (2) phases, as follows:
	* Phase 1 - Initial Phase (aka the 'Entry' syllabus)
	* Phase 2 - Main Phase    (aka the 'User's Almanack' syllabus)

	The following URL provides important information relevant to the training phases:

	* Joining The Team            -
	* User's Almanack             -

(C)	Key Highlights + Process Flow
At IRCNow, every server/team led by a 'Governor' (aka Leader) of a team server/affiliate
has been 'unanimously' assigned 'the rights' to further 'formulate and enhance'
the joining 'experience' of new Team Member(s), prerequisites and terms and conditions.

Being a 'federated' environment and the need to ensure sustainable operations,
the prerequisites has taken into consideration various aspects;
such as active participants, contributors, security, commitments and so forth.

Hence, specifically for BSDForAll, in addition to the various general prerequisites
defined in IRCNow WIKI references, the followings shall provide you 'key' highlights
on the process flow of joining BSDForAll Team:

	a.  A 'potential/new' candidate Team Member shall (MUST) complete a four (4) weeks
	    training session (the earlier, the better); fullfiling the preset requirements.

	b.  Send an email to '' to indicate your interest
	    and provide the following infos in order to enable BSDForAll Staff member(s)
	    be available to provide their support to you and to 'activate' initial
	    training process flow:

		- Choose which 'type-of-roles' of Team Member you plan to be.
		  (List is viewable @

		- Reason(s) to join.
		  (Feel free even to write paragraph(s) of the equivalent - we'll be happy to read them)

		- Your timezone.
		  (Ex: UTC+00:00, Pacific Time US+Canada, etc)

		- Preferred language.
		  (Mainly, English is used and recommended)

		- Your preferred method of communication - IRC/email/audio/video chat.
		  (Mainly, IRC is used)

		- Your availability - hours per day, or hours per week.
		  (Which indicates your frequency of 'participation and commitment' as 'active/regular')

		- Your CV or portfolio/website - optional, though highly recommended.
		  (Which indicates if you are genuine candidate with genuine interest)

		- Computer programming languages that you know or prefer.
		  (Ex: Python, HTML+CSS, JavaScript, etc. If none, write 'None')

		- Software that you are most familiar with.
		  (Ex: *NIX/*BSD or other Operating Systems)

		- Hardware that you use.
		  (Ex: Laptop, Desktop-PC).

		- Your internet access.
		  (Ex: Fiber, Broadband DSL/ADSL, WIFI).

		The above information shall enable BSDForAll Staff member(s) to conduct
		reasonable level of 'due diligence', understand and evaluate your 'standings' before
		your admission into BSDForAll as 'active, committed, and responsible' Team Member(s).
		While no prior technical experience is required, existing 'competencies'
		that you may have acquired shall increase your credibility
		to be part of BSDForAll and for the assignment of 'roles'.

	c.  Once BSDForAll Staff member(s) received your email, he/she shall verify
	    the submitted informations, validate and subsequently advise you on
	    how to proceed to the next stage. An email reply with details
	    of how to login to your 'account' shall be posted.

	d.  You shall start with 'Initial' training phase and subsequently the 'Main' phase:

		(1)	the 'Initial' training phase
			(aka the 'Entry' syllabus)
			At this stage, you are classified as 'early/regular' user/member and
			DO NOT hold any privileges.

			Join '#BSDForAll' Channel.
			This is where the community 'get-together'. We want you to be active
			there (for the training purposes) and NOT elsewhere.
			We want BSDForAll community to 'see' you.
			If you lurk elsewhere, we won't know if you are with
			BSDForAll or with others (we probably won't attend to your interest.)

			You shall be provided with a training 'SHELL' account where
			you may use to login and train.

			The training covers 'common' *NIX/*BSD command syntaxes used in terminal console.
			Currently, it consists of the following modules (changes shall be advised):
			   ==> 'Unix101', 'Unix102', 'Unix103', 'Unix104', 'Unix105'.
			Each module MUST be completed and is a 'step-by-step' process.
			You MUST complete this training phase before proceeding
			to the next training phase.

		(2) the 'Main' training phase
			(aka 'User's Almanack' syllabus)
			At this stage, you are classified as 'potential candidate' for Team Member and
			MAY hold certain privileges that 'enable' you to deliver your assigned 'roles'.

			Join '#BSDForAll' Channel.
			This is where the community 'get-together'. We want you to be active
			there (for the training purposes) and NOT elsewhere.
			We want BSDForAll community to 'see' you.
			If you lurk elsewhere, we won't know if you are with
			BSDForAll or with others (we probably won't attend to your interest.)

			You shall be provided with a training 'VPS' account where
			you may use to login and train.

			The training covers the 'Main' OpenBSD syllabus which consists of many modules.
			As the information is huge, please browse
			the WIKI page at
			You MUST complete this training phase before admission
			and acceptance as Team Member.
	e.  Upon completion of the 'Initial' training phase, you shall be 'redirected' to the 'Main'
	    training syllabus known as User's Almanack.
	    This is the 'Main' training phase that shall evaluate further your 'standings'
	    before admission as Team Member.

	    You shall be 'trained+supported' by BSDForAll Staff member(s)
	    and other Team Member(s); mainly via
	    IRC (Internet Relay Chat) communication protocol.

	f.  Throughout the training phases, you shall provide 'accessible' proof of achieving
	    the milestone completion of every training module.
	    For example, BSDForAll Team Member(s) may need to test-out your installation and
	    deployment of Ngircd, ZNC, Eggdrop, DNS, Zone Records, etc.
	    Staff member of BSDForAll shall evaluate and subsequently vouch new/potential
	    Team Member(s) for their corresponding training achievement and completion milestone.

	g.  Outcome of Trainings
	    There shall be two (2) scenarios on the outcome of trainings:

		(1)	the 'Acceptance'
			Existing BSDForAll Team Member(s) shall review the 'standings'
			of the 'candidate' among themselves; to agree/disagree
			if the 'candidate' is fit to be a Team Member.
			Once an 'ACCEPTANCE' consensus is reached,
			the 'candidate' shall be 'vouched and invited' to join as
			BSDForAll Team Member. The 'roles' shall be assigned and
			his/her 'performance' shall be validated and supported
			from time to time by other BSDForAll Team Member(s);
			which means - you shall not be 'working/volunteering alone'.

		(2)	the 'Non-Acceptance'
			The 'candidate' shall be treated as 'ordinary user' who has
			participated in the training sessions.
			However, NO 'vouching or invitation' shall be posted.
			You may continue in IRCNow/BSDForAll Community as
			'ordinary user/chatter'.

(D) Terms and Conditions
	a.  General Terms and Conditions - refer

	b.  Be professional - choose 'type-of-roles' of Team Member
	    you are comfortable with over-whelming 'interest' to contribute.
	    - see 'Roles' @

	c.  BSDForAll reserved its rights for such prerequisites to be reviewed
	    from time to time to ensure ONLY 'eligible' (active and sound)
	    Team Member shall be vouched/admitted/approved.
	    BSDForAll focuses on 'Quality' and active Team Member(s)
	    rather than merely ramping up the 'Quantity' of Team Member(s)
	    due to reason(s) stated earlier.

(E) Recommended TODOs List
	a.  Read IRCNow WIKI - refer
	    Get yourself 'familiarize' with contents of the WIKI,
	    so when you become part of BsdForAll Team Member(s),
	    you would be able to use the WIKI to help others.

	b.  Join BSDForAll Official Channel and chat with any BSDForAll Staff member(s)
	    or the community for casual chats.
	    Stay there and be an active participant or contributor.
	    Currently, BSDForAll Official Team Community+Training IRC channels
	    are served at (subject to change by March 01st, 2022):

	    - #BSDForAll (Status: Active)  - Official Community Channel for BSDForAll.
	                                   - From March 01st, 2022 onwards, this channel
	                                   - combines both Community and Training.

	    - #SU        (Status: Ceased)  - DO NOT USE this channel! (Ceased Training Channel for BSDForAll.
	                                   - It has ceased to be 'official'.
	                                   - Ceased as of March 01st, 2022.

	    - #Lemon     (Status: Ceased)  - DO NOT USE this channel! (Ceased Training Channel for Lemon.
	                                   - It has ceased to be 'official'.
	                                   - Ceased as of March 01st, 2022.

	c.  Be an active participant - what/how you chat and behave;
	    shall enable BSDForAll Staff member(s) to 'vouch' you.

	d.  Be nice, be responsible and act responsibly.
	    BSDForAll needs a reasonable 'professional' behaviour
	    and DO NOT NEED 'trouble-makers or morons'.

	e.  Inform BSDForAll Staff member(s) if you decide to 'STOP/EXIT'
	    from the training.
	    There are other users who may require assistance and thus,
	    shall enable BSDForAll Staff Member(s) to reroute their attention.

	f.  When in doubt, ASK! Ask the right question(s) appropriately.
	    Tips#1: "How to Ask Good Questions"

	    Tips#2: "How To Ask the Right Questions For Effective Learning"

BSDForAll wishes you all the success and look forward
to your active participation, contribution and commitment.
We'll be 'watching' closely your 'interest' to join the Team! \(^^_)

Your Sincerely;
[Ref: #Notice20220116]
[Current Staff Members]
1.	PyritePyro
2.	AncientWisdom
3.  Monsieur@FifiHyperbola
4.	Sysop_Nitestorm

[Credits: Ex-Staff Member]
1.	MKF
2.	Wheezy/Ghost
3.	Allen