Why There Must Not Be A '2-State' Solution in Palestine State?
(02-04-2024, 02:35 AM)monsieur Wrote: no of course, because that's awful...

so do you think that Israel has to disappear from the map?

Well, probably those nations that 'loves proposing and strongly supporting' a 2-states solution CAN GIVE THEIR LANDS instead; for those IsraHELL ZIONIST "Illegal Immigrants" to stay; say like:
  • List of Nations Supporting IsraHELL

    1. - United States of America,
    2. - United Kingdom,
    3. - France,
    4. - Germany,
    5. - India,
    6. - Italy... and others. (^^)
  • p/s: Maybe, can include Ukraine too, because they also support IsraHELL. xD

Those nations can SPLIT AND DIVIDE THEIR LANDS for those IsraHELL ZIONIST "Illegal Immigrants" xD.
I think those lands should be more than sufficient to accept those IsraHELL ZIONIST "Illegal Immigrants" xD.
I think that would be better; so they can all live in harmony. xD
  • Just DON'T DIVIDE and SPLIT Palestine Land, because :

    1. - Palestine Land 'legally' belongs to Palestinian Peoples. (^^)
    2. - '2-States' solution is a failed solution. So, don't repeat that again! Its going to failed again and again. xD
    3. - Anyone/any nations who propose '2-States' solution are a complete morons. They are not sincere to achieve 'complete peace' in Middle East. xD

Messages In This Thread
RE: Why There Must Not Be A '2-State' Solution in Palestine State? - by AncientWisdom - 02-05-2024, 09:51 AM

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